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Tobacco use among Wolcott youth is decreasing, only 4% of Wolcott youth reported using nicotine/vapes, but throughout the United States rates are increasing. Not only is it dangerous, it’s illegal for anyone under 21. There are many reasons youth may choose to vape. Teens may think it's safer than traditional cigarettes, they’re curious, or someone they know might smoke, leading them to believe it’s not harmful. 


Youth who used a vape at any time during their life: 2.29% grades 7-8, 9.81% grades 9-12. Perception among youth: perception of harm 77.1% grades 7-12, 75.9% of students grades 7-12 reported very hard/sort of hard to access vaping products.

What's in a Vape?

Nicotine is the main ingredient in vapes and has harmful effects on the teen brain. There are additional harmful components including volatile organic compounds, ultra fine particles, carcinogens, and heavy metals like nickel, tin, and lead. Flavorings like diacetyl are in vapes that are most popular among teens and have been linked to severe lung diseases. These flavors also play a pivotal role in vaping addiction in teens. While there have been efforts to ban flavors, they are still on the market in the form of disposable vapes. This is particularly concerning because disposable vapes are becoming increasingly stronger and cheaper, according to recent studies. It's important to know, teens also use vapes to consume THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis.



Disposable e-cigarettes sold in the U.S. nearly tripled in nicotine strength, quintupled in e-liquid capacity, and dropped in price by nearly 70% between 2017 and 2022, according to a recent Truth Initiative® study published in Tobacco Control.  The study of e-cigarette sales data finds that 2022 alone saw the debut of 48 disposable e-cigarettes with 6% or greater nicotine strength as well as 18 products with a 20-milliliter capacity – 29X the size of a JUUL pod.” – Truth Initiative

Second-Hand Vape Exposure is Dangerous Too

Keep in mind, second hand vape exposure is dangerous too. Second-hand smoke, whether from cigarettes or vapes, presents a significant health hazard. Vaping devices are commonly used for marijuana consumption. E-cigarettes, which encompass mods and vape pens, come in various forms, resembling cigarettes, pipes, or even everyday items like pens or USB sticks. Despite their diverse appearances, vape solutions usually comprise nicotine, flavoring, and a humectant, such as propylene glycol, all of which pose harm to developing brains and bodies. While many flavorings and humectants are FDA-approved for ingestion, their inhalation repercussions remain largely unknown.

E-Cigarettes & Pregnancy

Nicotine exposure alters nerve cell function during fetal development, raising concerns for pregnant individuals. Pregnant women using nicotine products face heightened risks of stillbirth and preterm delivery.

Oral Nicotine Pouches

Oral nicotine pouches and lozenges are the latest addition to the tobacco market. Brands like Zyn, On!, and Velo also offer a variety of flavors appealing to teens. Flavors range from mango, cinnamon, and honey lemon to citrus burst, black cherry, and a selection of mint or menthol options. Just like vaping and tobacco, these are also harmful to the teen brain and are not a safe alternative.


Photo from Truth Initiative

Superintendent Simpson Discusses Vaping

Superintendent Simpson Discusses Vaping

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